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Explanation of "Excited"

Definition: The word "excited" is an adjective that describes a feeling of strong enthusiasm or eagerness. When someone is excited, they often show a lot of energy and emotion about something happening or about to happen.

Usage Instructions:
  • When to Use: Use "excited" to describe people who are happy and eager about an event, a situation, or something they are looking forward to.
  • How to Use: You can use "excited" before a noun (e.g., excited children) or after a verb (e.g., I am excited).
  1. Simple Sentence: "I am excited to go to the concert tomorrow."
  2. Descriptive Sentence: "The children were excited when they saw the clowns at the party."
  3. Negative Form: "She wasn't excited about the homework."
Advanced Usage:
  • In more complex sentences, "excited" can be used in different tenses. For example:
    • "They were excited to hear the news."
    • "I will be excited to see my friends again."
Word Variants:
  • Excite (verb): To cause someone to feel excited.
    • Example: "The movie will excite the audience."
  • Excitement (noun): The state of being excited.
    • Example: "There was a lot of excitement in the air before the game."
Different Meanings:

While "excited" mainly refers to a feeling of enthusiasm, it can also describe a state of being overly emotional or agitated. For instance: - "He was so excited about the job interview that he couldn’t sleep."

  • Enthusiastic
  • Eager
  • Thrilled
  • Aroused
  • Animated
Idioms and Phrasal Verbs:
  • "Excited about": This phrase is often used to express what specifically someone is looking forward to.

    • Example: "She is excited about her birthday party."
  • "Worked up": This idiom can mean being overly excited or agitated.

    • Example: "He was all worked up about the exam."

"Excited" is a versatile adjective that conveys strong feelings of happiness and enthusiasm. It is used to express eagerness for events or situations and can apply to both positive and occasionally overwhelming emotions.

  1. (of e.g. a molecule) made reactive or more reactive
  2. marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
    • a crowd of delirious baseball fans
    • something frantic in their gaiety
    • a mad whirl of pleasure
  3. in an aroused state
  4. (of persons) excessively affected by emotion
    • he would become emotional over nothing at all
    • she was worked up about all the noise

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