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Explanation of the Word "Doubt"

Part of Speech:
- Noun: Doubt refers to a feeling of uncertainty about something or someone. It means you are not sure if something is true or real. - Verb: To doubt means to have a lack of confidence in something or to question it.

Usage Instructions
  • Noun Usage: You can use "doubt" to express uncertainty or skepticism about facts, statements, or situations.
  • Verb Usage: Use "doubt" to indicate that you are unsure about someone's honesty, the truth of a claim, or the likelihood of an event.
  1. Noun: "I have some doubt about the accuracy of this information."
  2. Verb: "I doubt that he will come to the party."
Advanced Usage
  • In formal writing, "doubt" can be used to discuss philosophical or ethical questions, such as "There is considerable doubt regarding the morality of this decision."
  • In literary contexts, doubt can symbolize inner conflict, as in characters who struggle with their beliefs.
Word Variants
  • Doubtful (adjective): Feeling uncertain or having doubt.

    • Example: "She is doubtful about passing the exam."
  • Doubtfully (adverb): In a way that shows doubt.

    • Example: "He looked at the proposal doubtfully."
  • Doubtfulness (noun): The state of being doubtful.

    • Example: "There was a sense of doubtfulness in her voice."
Different Meanings
  1. General Uncertainty: Doubt can refer to any situation where you are not sure about something.

    • Example: "There is no doubt that the sun rises in the east."
  2. Questioning someone's integrity: When you doubt a person's honesty or motives.

    • Example: "I doubt his intentions in this deal."
  • Skepticism
  • Uncertainty
  • Questioning
  • Distrust
  • Suspicion
  • "Beyond a doubt": This phrase means that something is definitely true.

    • Example: "She is, beyond a doubt, the best player on the team."
  • "In doubt": This means you are unsure about something.

    • Example: "When in doubt, ask for help."
Phrasal Verbs
  • Doubt out: To express disbelief or skepticism about a claim or statement.
    • Example: "He doubted out her story when he heard the facts."

"Doubt" is an important word that helps express uncertainty and skepticism in English. Whether you are doubting facts, people, or outcomes, using this word can effectively communicate your feelings of uncertainty.

  1. uncertainty about the truth or factuality or existence of something
    • the dubiousness of his claim
    • there is no question about the validity of the enterprise
  2. the state of being unsure of something
  1. lack confidence in or have doubts about
    • I doubt these reports
    • I suspect her true motives
    • she distrusts her stepmother
  2. consider unlikely or have doubts about
    • I doubt that she will accept his proposal of marriage

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